Video Contact Sheet Printer (Updt.)

echo "--------------------------------"
echo "Video Contact Sheet Printer V1.2"
echo "requ. ffmpeg & imagemagick "
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "What is the name of your input movie (with suffix:mov/mp4/mkv)?"
read theSource
echo "How should the output named?"
read theTarget
echo "Please wait ..."
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i ./SourceMovie/$theSource -r 0.009 -s 640x360 -f image2 ./Stills/$theTarget-%03d.jpeg
ls -lR ./Stills/$theTarget* | wc -l
echo "Files created."
echo "... Montage ..."
magick montage -label '%f' -fill white ./Stills/$theTarget*.jpeg \
-tile 6x -border 0 -geometry 640x360+10+10 -background black ./Finished/$theTarget.jpeg
echo "... Finished."

Download Script Version 1.0 and Folders